- What do you wish was different in your life?What's holding you back from being a happy and fulfilled person in your relationships, career, and life, I'm here to help.
It Takes 4-Simple Steps
I know it's not easy, so let me help you take control of your life.
Don't Stay Stuck
Whatever's holding you back from being happy and fulfilled, you don't need to struggle or stay stuck.
Let's Talk About It
Take that first step and tell me what you wish were different and I promise to help you with the rest.
Lasting Change
Everything I share will give you the confidence to cope with difficult times in relationships or work for the rest of your life.
Whoever You Are
I work with men & women who need help driving positive change in their lives.
The meaning of life is to find your gift.
The purpose of life is to give it away.
~William Shakspeare
Everybody Is Different...
And what people find helpful when they’re not feeling good varies from person to person. Find out how personal counselling can work for you.
Ready, Set, Go!
Life, Career, Business, Relationship, Coaching
Life-changing opportunities to get right to the heart of life's dreams.
Performance Enhancement Programme
The pressure to succeed can often prove too much to handle. It can stop a young person from achieving their potential and holds back schools and colleges, who want to show that their students can thrive. With my expertise, I'm here to help students, educational institutes and parents with a solution.
Drop Me A Note
Don't be afraid to reach out. I'm here to help, and happy to talk.
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Thought of the day
Take a look and enjoy!
Make mistakes! Make lots of them!
You don’t have to be PERFECT and have it all together.
To be the perfect partner… perfection is not what is needed of you when it comes to finding, connecting and keeping the right partner for you.
Give yourself permission to make mistakes, to search for yourself, and not have all the answers about who you are.
So many of my clients say after marriage their partner “Has changed”
“She was the heart and soul of the party when I met her, that’s was what attracted me to her.”
“Now she just wants to stay at home.”
If you begin a relationship not being you and being who you think your partner wants you to be, you are setting yourself up for a fall. Your union will be built on an unrealistic version of who you are, your partner may become resentful once you reveal your true self.Learn to feel good about YOU, and show up as YOU, warts and all. It sets you up to have a connection built on trust and truth.
You will know he or she likes and is attracted to you for who you are 360 degrees.
I am often asked: Why is it so difficult to find LOVE?
My short answer:
Because we have an expectation of how we will feel when we find “The One”.
All the fairy tales, Hollywood, Bollywood, Lollywood, our cultural blueprint tell us that when we find our Soulmate, they will take us to our happy place our happily ever after.
This expectation when not met leads to resentment and disillusion.
We all come with our relational experiences, around respect, around trust, around attachment, around gender roles, around marriage, around love.
We have either experienced too much attention or too little attention.
With this relationship history in tow we have an expectation that with our partner we are not going to feel like that, not anymore. We are going to be loved as we are without worry of being rejected or suffocated.This is what makes LOVE difficult to find.
Have you been struggling with LOVE?
We all love a good story, stories engage our curiosity, emotions and imagination.
Stories have the power to heal, to empower, to inspire, to connect us with each other, build confidence, self-esteem, empathy and bring about change.
There’s evidence from neuroscience, which suggests that when you listen to someone telling their story our brain patterns begin to mirror one another. We are connecting, and the empathy is on not just an emotional but a physical level.
Join me on 9th November at the Healing Minds @thelanterninitiative event where I will be sharing how we can use the power of our stories and our minds to create a ripple effect of change by connecting with ourselves and others.
Book your place via the link.https://bit.ly/33Z4hZY
I love creating safe space for people to share their story so here’s throwback to one of my themed Women empowerment afternoon of conversation events. Scrumptious afternoon tea by @bermondseysquarehotel
It was a amazing way to remind women to live their life out loud proudly and boldly!
Here is what one of the ladies had to say about attending the Afternoon of Conversation.
“It’s amazing how just like magic Wajeeha you created a safe space to share our oh so highs and oh so lows. How we as women have stories that need to be shared, because you never know which part will help someone else”
Cupcakes and decor created by @ohherbakes
Muslim Counselling
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Wajeeha Amin © 2019.